Distant E-learning and the Future of Enlightenment Project

  • Grigorii A. Kliucharev Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Science Kliucharev@mail.ru
How to Cite
Kliucharev G.A. 2015. Distant E-learning and the Future of Enlightenment Project — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. No. 2. P. 45-58.


As the transition to information technology and the construction of a knowledge society, the idea of enlightenment is reasserting itself. As a form of gratuitous dissemination of knowledge through on-line distance learning technologies enlightenment becomes effective in the competition between public and private universities, of which the last — at the highest official terminology often «inefficient», and in fact — the low-cost (cost for tuition fees ) universities — are forced to move to new forms of learning. Most enterprising of them can become the pioneers of on-line distance learning, if they start to use already developed courses distinguished professors and experts. Because of this, it is possible a small university in the U.S. or Australia for a few months, «bypass», such as MSU by the enrollment of students and volume of financial flows.Thanks to the proliferation of remote internet technology learning ceases to be synchronous. It becomes catering for small groups or individual. Each will receive an education when he is comfortable, and spend on this process as much time as it sees fit. Any education system operates in real time, using information resources in different parts of the world. Such characteristic of traditional education like crowded in one place is gradually disappearing. The centralized network organization of education is replaced by net-works and horizontal organization of learning.From this it follows that the institutional strengthening of the positions of education is not an essential element of educational policy. In terms of the economics of education such a policy is ineffective. Licensing and accreditation — the only ways to control and institutionalization of education — in market conditions almost do not work. Education becomes a pragmatic tool, service, serving the interests of the main consumers — individuals, employers and state.
enlightenment, e-learning, remote online education, competition universities, educational policy, economics of education

Author Biography

Grigorii A. Kliucharev, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Science
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, professor, Head of the Center of sociology of science, education and culture, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Science


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Kliucharev, G. A. (2015) ’Distant E-learning and the Future of Enlightenment Project’, Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika, (2), pp. 45-58. Available at: https://www.socnp.ru/index.php/snsp/article/view/3059 (Accessed: 18May2024).