Public Sociology Through the Eyes of a Journalist

  • Ekaterina P. Dobrynina Deputy responsible secretary FBGU “Revision ”Rossiyskaya Gazeta”
How to Cite
Dobrynina E.P. 2015. Public Sociology Through the Eyes of a Journalist — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. No. 2. P. 112-129.


‘‘Sociology and journalism: from love to hate and back again’’. If this article were featured in a newspaper, this would definitely be the right subheading for it. It is hard to imagine two other professional spheres that would be more closely connected to society and its life and would be more immersed in the very heart of social conflicts, in the burning, boiling crucible of passion. But, to continue our metaphor, the very nature of every sphere as a geometric body prevents it from overlapping with another sphere; instead, they keep bumping against one another as they roll through the world, each following its own path. On the one hand, sociologists and journalists are essentially doomed to work together; on the other, they are inevitably unsatisfied with the results of this work. We attempt to understand why. It is important to note that in this case (as always) some issues are more urgent than others; some are local, some are global; some concern form, others concern substance; some stem from organizational differences and others, from systemic discrepancies in both sides’ basic sets of principles. To counteract the various aspects of mutual misunderstanding, we must move from simple issues that are easy to resolve to more complex, multi-faceted issues. While not claiming that our research offers the ultimate truth, we attempt to analyze some purely practical phenomena, which may be observed as we look at the relations between media representatives and the academic community of sociologists.
, journalism, sociology, polls, media, society, communication, edition

Author Biography

Ekaterina P. Dobrynina, Deputy responsible secretary FBGU “Revision ”Rossiyskaya Gazeta”
Doctor of Political Sciences


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Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Dobrynina, E. P. (2015) ’Public Sociology Through the Eyes of a Journalist’, Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika, (2), pp. 112-129. Available at: (Accessed: 18May2024).