From Deficit to Dieting: Day-to-Day Eating Practices in Soviet and post-Soviet Jokes and Anecdotes

  • Natalia N. Zarubina Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO University of the Russian Foreign Ministry)
This article was prepared with the support of the Russian Foundation four Humanitiesgrant number 14 – 03 – 00710
How to Cite
Zarubina N.N. 2015. From Deficit to Dieting: Day-to-Day Eating Practices in Soviet and post-Soviet Jokes and Anecdotes — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. No. 2. P. 130-148.


This article reviews the transformation of dietary practices through the prism of their portrayal in jokes and anecdotes, which are regarded as a specific genre within the culture of popular laughter. The qualitative analysis of 205 Soviet and 150 contemporary jokes and anecdotes allows us to single out several basic topical groups, determining the typical issues that Russians faced during the Soviet era and are facing in modern times. While analyzing anecdotes from the sociological point of view, we can reveal people’s direct perception of various social realia and their typical responses to difficulties. That said, jokes and anecdotes do not draw a clear and unbiased picture of social reality, and demand a complex interpretation. The topical groups of Soviet jokes expose a critical attitude towards the centralized distribution system, which imposed limitations on food resources. This system gave various social and professional groups and economic regions unequal access to food, which was embodied in the phenomenon of deficit. The population adapted to this unequal access and deficit by creating unofficial networks of mutual favors (“I scratch your back, you scratch mine”), which, long with the notorious queues, became a popular source of jokes. As the market economy began to emerge in the post-Soviet period, the uneven distribution of food resources became an economic issue. Consequently, most food-related jokes are now centered on high prices, the quality of products and services, and the transformation of gender roles while preparing and consuming meals. Jokes also reveal that one of the key problems faced by Russians today is the contradiction between the traditional food habits, which is mainly oriented on sating one’s hunger, and the imperative demand to be slender or even thin. If an individual chooses a responsible approach to meeting the standards of physical appearance, their eating habits are largely regulated by a diet, which is one of the main subjects ridiculed in modern jokes.
everyday life, feeding practices, institutional transformations, the culture of humor, anecdote, habit supply

Author Biography

Natalia N. Zarubina, Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (MGIMO University of the Russian Foreign Ministry)
Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, Professor, Department of Sociology


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Zarubina, N. N. (2015) ’From Deficit to Dieting: Day-to-Day Eating Practices in Soviet and post-Soviet Jokes and Anecdotes’, Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika, (2), pp. 130-148. Available at: (Accessed: 18May2024).