Social Progress: Measurement Problems, Comparative Analysis and Policy Challenges

  • Alexander B. Veber Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences
How to Cite
Veber A.B. 2016. Social Progress: Measurement Problems, Comparative Analysis and Policy Challenges — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. No. 3. P. 5-16.


Social progress is a goal to which we should strive, but to which different countries are moving in their own way, at different speeds and with different results. How do we assess the level of social progress, and how do we measure it? The traditional indicator of GDP per capita cannot provide an adequate measure of society’s well-being. Attempts to find such a measure have repeatedly been made, but the proposed methods and models do not fully satisfy the requirements of completeness. The “Index of Social Progress 2015” represents a step in this direction, for the first time offering a method for assessing social progress as such, irrespective of the economic factor. This allows researchers to further analyze the relationship between economic development and social progress, better understand both objective and subjective reasons for striking disparities in the use of economic opportunities in different countries for social development, and for politicians, business and leaders in civil society to apply this analytical tool more rationally and clearly identify priorities and the main targets for action for inclusive growth and improvement in the quality of life in their countries.
social progress, human development, economic development, inequality, poverty, priorities, a development strategy

Author Biography

Alexander B. Veber, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Chief Researcher


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Citation Formats
Other cite formats:

Veber, A. B. (2016) ’Social Progress: Measurement Problems, Comparative Analysis and Policy Challenges’, Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika, (3), pp. 5-16. Available at: (Accessed: 18May2024).