Domestic workers in the hired labor system

  • Ljudmila A. Semenova Institute of Sociology of Russian Academy of Sciences
How to Cite
Semenova L.A. 2016. Domestic workers in the hired labor system — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. No. 3. P. 94-114.


The article deals with a new social reality, widespread in post-Soviet Russia: hired domestic labor, and therefore forming a new socio-professional stratum of people in society – domestic workers. It is shown that hired domestic employment is dominated by women; a significant proportion of domestic workers are migrants, and hired domestic work is more common in large cities with a high proportion of solvent population. It is noted that domestic work is characterized by informal employment and household labor practices, including employment with undocumented labor relations (without a hire contract). Domestic workers cannot be considered a professional group, as this category of hired workers includes people of different professions. Hired domestic work in private households is the most invisible and poorly protected employment from a legal point of view. The few studies in this area primarily focus attention on gender and migration issues, and issues of social protection (Russian legislation lacks an effective mechanism to protect the rights of domestic workers). The virtually unexplored socio-cultural and stratification aspects of the provisions of this relatively new and poorly visually registered group (layer, category) of workers is extremely heterogeneous by education, and by vocational, ethnic and religious affiliation, and citizenship.
domestic workers, domestic work, women's labor migration, employment status, legalization, legal protection

Author Biography

Ljudmila A. Semenova, Institute of Sociology of Russian Academy of Sciences
Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Leading Researcher


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Other cite formats:

Semenova, L. A. (2016) ’Domestic workers in the hired labor system’, Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika, (3), pp. 94-114. Available at: (Accessed: 18May2024).