The Influence of Regional Factors on the Life Quality System of the Population of the Republic of Bashkortostan

  • Dilara Гафуровна Yagafarova Institute of Socio-Political and Legal Research of the Republic of Bashkortostan
How to Cite
Yagafarova D.Г. 2016. The Influence of Regional Factors on the Life Quality System of the Population of the Republic of Bashkortostan — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. No. 4. P. 40-51.


This article focuses on the influence of the main systemically important factors such as mentality and value orientation of the population, natural and geographic conditions, production and economic complex, social infrastructure, and the political and administrative structure of the region on the formation of quality of life of the region’s population. The region is analyzed as a system presenting a synthesis of these main factors and forming a people’s particular life conditions. The most important factor in quality of life is the value orientations of the population being a basis for subjective evaluation of one’s own life. Additionally, nature and climatic and geographic conditions play a defining role in this case: the article demonstrates the process of their influence on the direction of economic development, labor market formation and employment, and the level of social infrastructure development. In turn, the combination of these factors is a prerequisite for certain income levels of the population as well as the basis for social differentiation and differences in the level of access to health, educational and cultural institutions. Thus, a conclusion can be made on the necessity of a balanced system of regional factors, as reorganization of only one factor leads to complex changes in other factors and the life quality system of the population as a whole.
the quality of life, regional factors, region

Author Biography

Dilara Гафуровна Yagafarova, Institute of Socio-Political and Legal Research of the Republic of Bashkortostan


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YagafarovaD. Г. (2016) ’The Influence of Regional Factors on the Life Quality System of the Population of the Republic of Bashkortostan’, Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika, (4), pp. 40-51. Available at: (Accessed: 18May2024).