Information in The Perimeter of Management: Algorithms of Reconstruction

  • Alexandr G. Kiselev Newsletter «Presidential Control» (Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation)
  • Petr N. Kirichek Dubna International University of Nature Society and Man
How to Cite
Kiselev A.G., Kirichek P.N. 2016. Information in The Perimeter of Management: Algorithms of Reconstruction — Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika. No. 1. P. 35-47. DOI:


The article discusses the information bases of state management at the period of modernization of the country. From the position of a structural and functional approach, the specifics of handling social information in verified state management systems are identified. The notion of "information management" is formulated and classified, the essence of phenomena behind it is derived, and its main signs are listed. A low level of informational and analytical work in the apparatus of bodies of state power and local self-government is shown. A conclusion is made about the growth potential of the effectiveness of management decisions due to vocational and technical optimization of existing information mechanisms, and attention is focused on the mandatory scientific validity of management decisions related to competent and operational processing of adequate algorithms of management in modern conditions.Keywords: information, management, efficiency, management data, government control, information technology, informative management algorithm.
information, management, efficiency, management data, government control, information technology, informative management algorithm

Author Biographies

Alexandr G. Kiselev, Newsletter «Presidential Control» (Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation)
Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, Newsletter «Presidential Control» (Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation), Chief Editor
Petr N. Kirichek, Dubna International University of Nature Society and Man
Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor; Dubna International University of Nature Society and Man, Professor, Department of State and Municipal Administration


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Kiselev, A. G. and Kirichek, P. N. (2016) ’Information in The Perimeter of Management: Algorithms of Reconstruction’, Sociologicheskaja nauka i social’naja praktika, (1), pp. 35-47. doi: